Fuquay-Varina NC Homes for Sale & Fuquay-Varina NC Real Estate market
The real estate market in Fuquay Varina NC is very competitive. The median home takes only 11 days to sell. That means half of homes for sale in Fuquay Varina sell in fewer than 11 days. 50% of homes sold at list price or above. And almost all of those sold in the first weekend. For those that sold above list, the average above list was about 2% over. For more Fuquay market data jump to Fuquay FAQ’s.
All homes for sale in Fuquay-Varina, NC!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the real estate market like in Fuquay Varina NC?
How much money do I need for a deposit when buying a home in Fuquay Varina NC
What inspections should I get when buying a home in Fuquay Varina NC
Are homes for sale in Fuquay Varina receiving Multiple offers?
How do you know if a home will have a competing offer?
How much are homes selling for in Fuquay Varina NC?
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Fuquay-Varina Real Estate Facts at a Glance
The median priced home for sale in Fuquay-Varina is $445,000. For that price, the average home for sale will have about 2000 square feet and was built in 2006, and most likely will be a single family home.
Most homes for sale in Fuquay-Varina will be part of a subdivision. Only 4% of homes for sale in Fuquay-Varina in the last year were not located within a subdivision.
Lots in Fuquay-Varina tend to be a little larger than other town in Western Wake County. About 61% of homes for sale in Fuquay-Varina have a minimum lot size of .2 acres.
If you’re looking for something a little bigger, you can find it, but it will be harder to find. Only 6% of homes for sale in Fuquay-Varina had a minimum of a 1 acre lot. The average home for sale on an acre in Fuquay-Varina sold for $480,000.
Property taxes for homes for sale in the town of Fuquay-Varina are 1.1126%. Keep in mind that some homes for sale in Fuquay-Varina are not located within the city limits and would only pay county taxes. Wake County taxes are assessed at .657%. Also part of Fuquay-Varina is in Harnett County. Harnett County Taxes are assessed at .591%.
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Our FREE PDF, Common Homebuyer Nightmares and How to Avoid Them! tells you everything you need to know.

Frequently Asked Questions
Got Questions?
We can help!
What is the real estate market like in Fuquay Varina NC?
The real estate market in Fuquay Varina NC is very competitive. The median home takes only 11 days to sell. That means half of homes for sale in Fuquay Varina sell in fewer than 11 days. 50% of homes sold at list price or above. And almost all of those sold in the first weekend. For those that sold above list, the average above list was about 2% over.
For the 50% of homes sold below list price, most of them sold about 2% below list. Keep in mind that these are averages and each home needs to be analyzed individually to make a good offer. Is the home priced accurately? Is it too high? Too low? Just right? What kind of condition is it in? These are all questions you should discuss with your Realtor to understand the best offer to make.
How much money do I need for a deposit when buying a home in Fuquay Varina NC
There are two kinds of deposits you’ll need when buying a home in Fuquay Varina. The due diligence deposit and the earnest money deposit. These deposits are both negotiable and how much you offer really depends on whether the property is competitive or not. They can be as low as $1000 or as high as $10,000 or more. As a true deposit, if you proceed to closing, they will be applied to your closing expenses. However, if you terminate the transaction during the contract period, you may not receive your deposit back. The due diligence deposit is always non-refundable. The earnest money deposit is non-refundable after a certain point in the contract period.
Keep in mind that these deposits should not be confused with your mortgage downpayment, which is determined by your credit history and the type of loan you’re applying for. Your mortgage deposit is paid at the attorney’s office when you go to closing, unlike the due diligence and earnest money deposits that are paid during the transaction.
What inspections should I get when buying a home in Fuquay Varina NC
The inspections that we recommend in Fuquay Varina for our climate are:
1) a general home inspection. This inspection is like going to a general practitioner doctor. They look things over and perform some basic tests. If any of their initial inspections don’t meet expectations, they may recommend an additional inspection or two, such as an electrical inspection or HVAC inspection. Generally speaking, the newer the home, the less you will spend on inspections. Although there are always exceptions to the rule.
2) a pest inspection. A pest inspection is looking for wood destroying insects, such as termites or carpenter bees.
3) a radon inspection. Radon is a colorless, odorless gas that can seep into your home from rocks as they break down in the soil below your home. Radon can cause cancer with prolonged exposure, so it’s important to get a radon test. However, it is very simple to mitigate if the test comes back positive.
Are homes for sale in Fuquay Varina receiving Multiple offers?
You can expect some homes for sale in Fuquay Varina to receive competing offers. For homes sold in 2024, about 7% of those homes had more than one offer. That means that 93% did not have a competing offer. To get a better idea of how competitive the market it, we can separate new construction homes from existing homes for sale. It’s rare to have competing offers in new construction. Only half of a percent of new construction sales had more than one offer. But once we remove those new construction homes for sale, 15% of existing homes in Fuquay Varina NC had competing offers.
How do you know if a home will have a competing offer?
An experienced real estate agent can usually tell which homes for sale are going to be the most competitive in Fuquay Varina. They usually are in very good condition with finishes that are highly desired in the market. There is usually no deferred maintenance and they are typically in very popular neighborhoods. If you’d like excellent consultation on your next home purchase or sale, you can schedule a call here to speak with a high quality real estate agent.
How much are homes selling for in Fuquay Varina NC?
The median price of homes for sale in Fuquay Varina is $459,000. For that price you can expect to get a 2300 square foot single family home, that is about 8-10 years old. While it varies by the type of home and the price point, on average homes for sale in Fuquay Varina are selling about 1% below list price.
Our FREE PDF, Common Homebuyer Nightmares and How to Avoid Them! tells you everything you need to know.

A little bit about Fuquay
Are you looking for homes for sale in Fuquay-Varina, NC? Fuquay-Varina (known locally as “Fuquay” – pronounce it “few-kway”) is a quaint small town in the southwestern corner of Wake County. Once two separate towns, Fuquay and Varina, they have since grown into each other, retaining separate downtown districts offering twice the charm!
Fuquay is known for its great schools, friendly people and historic character. Locals are seriously proud of their town and if you decide to move here, you’ll quickly be welcomed into this warm community!
Fuquay-Varina is a town located in Wake County, North Carolina, USA. Fuquay-Varina was formed in 1963 when the two neighboring towns of Fuquay Springs and Varina merged.
Look at this comparison of Fuquay-Varina to Cary, NC.
History of Fuquay
Fuquay Springs was established in the late 19th century around the mineral springs that were believed to have healing properties. The town became a popular resort destination and attracted visitors from all over the country. Varina was established in the early 20th century and was primarily an agricultural community.
Today, Fuquay-Varina is a growing community with a population of around 30,000 people. The town has a strong economy and a thriving business community, with many small businesses and shops located in the downtown area. The town is also home to several parks and recreational areas, including Carroll Howard Johnson Environmental Education Park, South Park, and Fleming Loop Recreational Park.
One of the highlights of Fuquay-Varina is its downtown area, which has been revitalized in recent years. The downtown area is home to many restaurants, shops, and entertainment venues, including the Fuquay-Varina Arts Center and the Fuquay-Varina Community Center.
The town has seen significant population growth in recent years, with a growth rate of around 2.5% annually.
Wondering if Fuquay-Varina is the right place for you to move? Read this! Or watch one of our videos on Fuquay here!
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